Domestic Archaeology
I began working as an archaeological photographer in the late 1970’s, throughout the middle east, and for the last 32 years, in Egypt. Watching excavators unearth ancient homes and tombs, I became acutely aware of the way in which human beings hold things dear – in life AND in death. Whether it’s a gorgeous object, like a Fez, or a purely practical thing, like a Fez, we imbue objects with meaning.
I have always been a collector. Early in my archaeological career, I began to look at my collections and realized I wanted to document the things that I hold dear.
And so, the Domestic Archaeology project began in 1982. It will be a life long project, I’m afraid, as I am still collecting things….
Many of the pieces in this show are relatively recent additions to my collection. They hold some sort of magic, and beauty and resonance for me.